如何用 ChatGPT 提升 UI/UX 工作效率?

如何用 ChatGPT 提升 UI/UX 工作效率?

相信最近一個月大家已經被各種 ChatGPT 的使用方法或成果轟炸,我也在 Medium 上有看到有人比較具體針對 UI/UX 工作情境提出了一些用法,其中一點是先做一些二手資料研究後,請 ChatGPT 總結並生成一個使用者研究問卷以進一步了解使用者樣貌,但我並不認同這樣的做法,因為研究設計還是需要一定程度的能力才能設計出比較有效的研究。本文用 1) 撰寫 Persona 和情境故事,和 2) 產生假資料/測試資料,兩個例子說明我覺得可以怎麼用,具體而言我覺得只要是總結輸出,以及不影響嚴謹性的研究與設計過程,都可以考慮使用 ChatGPT 來提升工作效率。

撰寫 Persona 和情境故事

我們拿各個研究員和設計師最熟悉的工具之一 Miro 來舉例,假設我想針對線上白板做研究,並製作 Miro 的 User Persona,但身邊卻一時找不到使用者來訪談,或是時間非常短暫需要先有一個初步版本,該怎麼做呢?

這個時代我們最不缺的,就是公司為了增長而製作的內容,所以我們只要在 YouTube 搜尋 “Miro UX” 就可以找到很多介紹 UX 研究員或設計師可以怎麼用 Miro 的影片。

此時使用 Glasp 這個 Plugin,就可以輕鬆地複製 YouTube 影片的逐字稿,並貼進 ChatGPT 請 AI 閱讀或總結,例如我把以下兩個影片丟到 ChatGPT 裡,他就瞭解了 Miro 有哪些功能能滿足 UX 工作者的需求。

Glasp: 點擊 ChatGPT 的 icon 就會跳轉到 ChatGPT 並在剪貼簿中加上總結內容的指令,所以跳轉後在對話欄按下貼上快捷鍵,就可以馬上進行總結
Glasp: 點擊 ChatGPT 的 icon 就會跳轉到 ChatGPT 並在剪貼簿中加上總結內容的指令,所以跳轉後在對話欄按下貼上快捷鍵,就可以馬上進行總結


You have read the information of how UX researcher and designer use Miro for their work, please give me an user persona of Miro called Susan, who works as an UX researcher and also a designer

以下是 ChatGPT 第一次的結果:

Susan is a UX researcher and designer who works at a startup that specializes in designing and developing digital products. She has been using Miro for the past year to collaborate with her team and conduct UX research and design projects.

As an UX researcher, Susan uses Miro to plan and conduct user research studies, such as user interviews, focus groups, and usability testing. She creates templates in Miro to document the details of the research, including the research objectives, outcomes, and participants, and uses the note-taking canvas to capture insights and ideas generated during the research process.

As a designer, Susan uses Miro to create wireframes and prototypes of potential solutions to the problems that she and her team are trying to solve. She also uses Miro to conduct design reviews with her team and stakeholders, and to collaborate on the development of product roadmaps.

Susan is a highly organized and detail-oriented person, and she values the ability of Miro to help her stay organized and on top of her work. She appreciates the wide range of tools and templates that Miro offers, and she regularly uses the platform to visualize and communicate her ideas and design process.


Susan is a UX researcher and designer who works at a startup that specialized in designing and developing digital products. She has been using Miro for the past year to collaborate with her team and conduct UX research and design projects.

Before using Miro, Susan found it challenging to collaborate with her team and stakeholders effectively. She used a combination of physical notebooks, Google Docs, and spreadsheets to manage her projects, but she found it difficult to keep track of everything in one place and to collaborate in real-time.

Susan's goal in using Miro is to boost her productivity, efficiency, and creativity, as well as to facilitate better collaboration with her team and stakeholders. She values the ability of Miro to help her stay organized and on top of her work, and she appreciates the wide range of tools and templates that the platform offers for visualizing and communicating her ideas and design process.

As an UX researcher, Susan uses Miro to plan and conduct user research studies, such as user interviews, focus groups, and usability testing. She creates templates in Miro to document the details of the research, including the research objectives, outcomes, and participants, and uses the note-taking canvas to capture insights and ideas generated during the research process. She also uses Miro's collaboration features to work with her team and stakeholders in real-time, sharing her research findings and seeking input and feedback.

As a designer, Susan uses Miro to create wireframes and prototypes of potential solutions to the problems that she and her team are trying to solve. She also uses Miro to conduct design reviews with her team and stakeholders, and to collaborate on the development of product roadmaps. She values the ability of Miro to facilitate real-time collaboration and to allow her to share her designs and get feedback and input from her team and stakeholders.

Susan has found that using Miro has helped her to work more efficiently, as she can access all of her projects and documents in one place and collaborate with her team and stakeholders in real-time. She has also found that the platform's visual tools and collaboration features have helped to stimulate her creativity, as she can explore and test different ideas and solutions more easily.

Overall, Susan has gained a lot of value from using Miro in her work as a UX researcher and designer, and she continues to use the platform to boost her productivity, efficiency, and creativity, as well as to facilitate better collaboration with her team and stakeholders.


我必須承認,雖然我自己堅持設計 Wireframe 或是 UI 時都需要模擬出真實的產品文案,但多數時候自己真的很懶,只是寫了一個不怎樣的版本,至少不要讓人一眼看出是測試用的資料就好,但一來這造成了一個心理負擔,二來對於設計流程而言絕對不是最佳示範,那麼不如就請 AI 來幫忙寫假資料/測試資料吧!

這邊我直接應用 Susan 這個使用者的資訊,請 ChatGPT 產出一個由 Susan 對 Miro 寫的產品使用心得:

I'm building a product review site for reviewing SaaS product, and Susan had come to leave her comment, please generate her comment


I recently started using Miro for my work as a UX researcher and designer, and I have to say, I'm really impressed! I've used other online whiteboard tools in the past, such as Mural and InVision Studio, but Miro has definitely been the most comprehensive and user-friendly platform that I've used.

One of the reasons I decided to start using Miro was because of the wide range of tools and templates that it offers for visualizing and communicating my ideas and design process. As a UX researcher and designer, it's important for me to be able to clearly communicate my ideas to my team and stakeholders, and Miro has made it really easy for me to do that.

Another reason I chose Miro was because of the collaboration features. I've found the real-time collaboration capabilities to be superior to other tools I've used, as it's so easy to share my research findings and designs, and to get feedback and input from others. The ability to work on projects and documents in one place has also made it much easier for me to stay organized and on top of my work.

Overall, I would highly recommend Miro to anyone working in UX research or design. It's been a valuable tool for me, and I think it could be for others too. If you're considering other online whiteboard tools, I'd definitely recommend giving Miro a try – you won't be disappointed!

我們繼續維持 Susan 喜愛 Miro 的人設,假設我要為我的評論網站設計使用者聊天討論的功能,或是模擬 Susan 在團隊內推廣 Miro 的過程,也可以產出相對應的內容:

Tom is Susan's colleague, and he is also an UI designer. Assuming they are discussing their experiences of using of FigJam and Miro, and trying to decide which tool they should stay for their design team, please generate the chat messages in detail
Susan: Hey Tom, I wanted to talk to you about our design tools. Have you had a chance to try out FigJam?

Tom: Yeah, I've been using it for a few weeks now. It's been okay, but I feel like it's missing some features that I need for my workflow. On the other hand, the integration with Figma has been really helpful for me. I love being able to easily move my designs into Figma for prototyping and testing.

Susan: Yeah, I understand. I've tried FigJam too, but I found it to be lacking in terms of the range of tools and templates available. Miro has a much wider range of options for visualizing and communicating ideas, which I've found to be really valuable in my workflow. Plus, the real-time collaboration features in Miro are much more robust and have made it so much easier for me to work with my team and stakeholders.

Tom: That's true, Miro does have a lot more options. But I've also found that FigJam is really easy to use and the interface is user-friendly, which has been helpful for me. The integration with Figma has definitely been a plus.

Susan: Definitely agree on that point. Miro does have a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, it's really powerful. And the platform is constantly updating and adding new features, so I think it's worth considering for our team. Plus, the real-time collaboration features have been a game-changer for me and have saved so much time and effort in terms of getting feedback and input from my team and stakeholders.

Tom: Yeah, I see what you're saying. It's definitely a tough decision. I'll have to weigh the pros and cons of each tool and see which one makes the most sense for our team. It's great to have options like FigJam and Miro available, it just comes down to finding the right fit for our workflow and needs.

Susan: Exactly. And don't forget that we can always use both tools in tandem if needed. It's not an all-or-nothing decision. We can find the right balance that works for us.

Tom: Yeah, that's a good point. I'll definitely keep that in mind as I consider which tool to use. Thanks for the suggestion, Susan.

Susan: No problem, happy to help. Let me know if you have any other questions or want to discuss further.

當然大多數設計稿上的產品文案不會到那麼長,但只要擷取其中一部份,或者有需要也可以請 AI 幫忙縮減篇幅,就能夠讓整體設計更加擬真並且讓工作效率同步提升。

以上兩個例子就是我認為 ChatGPT 能夠幫助 UI/UX 工作者的地方,也歡迎大家跟我分享自己想到的使用方式!



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